Posted in Parent Portal

Silent Night

“For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.”

Luke 2:30-32 (NIV)

For the first 35 years of my life the words “Silent Night” brought to mind a lovely simple Christmas carol. The haunting melody and simple words paint a picture of the birth of the Christ in such a charming way that it has become part of the fabric of our lives – a common childhood experience we all learn and share with one another year after year.

But ever since the birth of our Deaf daughter, I see things differently. Every night is a “silent night” for her and her Deaf friends because they live in a silent world 24/7. To them this sweet little carol is no more than an obscure English poem that’s difficult to understand. They can’t be “told” the story through a song. They will never “hear” the Good News. They must “see” the message on the fingertips of those skilled in the language of signs.

Sadly, most parents lack the sign language skills to tell the story of Christmas to their Deaf children. Few churches have the tools to reach out to them, either. Until these kids are given a chance to be told the true meaning of the Incarnation in a language they can understand, they can never embrace the Light of the World.

This is what “silent night” means to me now. It’s a silence which deafens the soul.

Oh, Lord, ignite a fire of passion in our hearts to share your truth with your silent children. We’ve forgotten them too long.

Do those of us who know the Truth have a responsibility to keep watch over His silent children, too?

Does missions work in a foreign country get more attention from the church than similar work performed among an unreached people group on domestic soil? Should it?

When was the last time you prayed for the spiritual needs of a Deaf person or a Deaf family?

Rev. Lawrence is the founder and executive director of Silent Blessings Deaf Ministries in Indianapolis (

Rev. Marshall Lawrence
Silent Blessings Deaf Ministries
8930 Bash St, Suite E
Indianapolis, IN 46256